Holiday Simplification Tips & Tricks

 Holiday Simplification 

Three Tips & Tricks

The Holidays, both beautiful and daunting. Filled with love, sweets, warmth, and chaos. However, that is not the way it has to be.

 Whether it is hiding gifts for Christmas, or arranging an esthetically pleasing centerpiece for Halloween, this tips can help you with that. 

Top Tips to Keep the Sanity

Some people are equipped with the skill of organization and management. Others are not. Either way, when chaos hits, it is best to be in a good state of mind and have your home prepared for whatever comes. Keep the calm in the chaos.

Strong boundaries to protect yourself from toxic people this Christmas. 

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1. Simplify

The best thing to keep in mind when the holiday fiascos hit is to simplify your list of To Do's. This could be many different things: 

  • Gift Giving:
The easiest way to simplify gift giving is to simply give to fewer people. Now, I know how this sounds, but how often do we recycle each other's gifts or honestly never use them? That is likely to happen to the gifts we give. So put in more quality than quantity and simply simplify. 
  • Card Giving/Making
Those long lengthy cards detailing each family member's life with every adjective or a novel story. News flash! Those do not get read. People look at the picture make a quick "aw how cute" and move on. So, if you want to do a Christmas card, make it short and sweet. That will save you time and money. 
  • Decorations
This can be debatable because some individuals thrive in Decorating their homes. Have you ever heard the saying "Less is more"? Yeah, that applies here. You do not have to be the best dressed house on the block. Just some simple lights and a wreath will do just fine.

  • Family Meet Ups
It is true, the best way to spend your time during the holidays is with the people you love. But, what if these people are toxic and remind you that your eggs are dying off by the minute? Yeah that is not the holiday cheer we are looking for. Phycology Service entices us with this quote, 

"Relationships.  Family relationships can cause turmoil, conflict or stress at any time. But tensions are often high during the holidays. Family misunderstandings and conflicts can intensify, especially if you’re all thrust together for several days. Often family members have different personalities, needs and interests." Holiday-Stress

Do yourself a favor and remove yourself from those toxic relationships. You are only as happy as the people you surround yourself with.  

2. Declutter

Declutter both before and after the holidays. As time goes on and you and your family receive new gifts, the get placed in places that are new. Take a day to give this items a new home and go out with old and in with the new. 

Get rid of anything that is not being used or not needed. Gifts are given to show love, you do not necessarily have to love the gift, although I would hope you would express otherwise to the giver, and in the end may not need/use it. This is where clutter can become a nuisance, so be aware. 

3. Organize Your Space

Your space can make or break you. Just like how we set up boundaries within ourselves, we need to set up boundaries within our space. Do not let the disorganization overwhelm you when you have the control to do otherwise. Some ideas include: 
  • Setting up a system
  • Label
  • De-junk
  • Find space
  • Always put things where they go
Here is a small example of a simple decoration piece

"you are your home"

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